Black Mold In Humidifier: How to Identify and Get Rid of the Dangerous Allergen
You will know you have black mold in the humidifier when you see black slime in the tank.
It is best to take care of it immediately because it can cause mold exposure symptoms in toddlers.
It is called black toxic mold because… it is toxic!
Not only does the mold grow in the tank, but you also need to check the humidifier filter. Different types of mold grow on the filter.
5 Black mold in humidifier symptoms
If you neglect to give your mister the proper care and maintenance, you will experience humidifier sickness symptoms. If you see the signs below, know you have mold.
In fact, don’t just look for the signs of black mold. Rather, ensure no type of mold grows in the humidifier.
These are the most common mold signs in a mister:
1. Black spots inside the humidifier
The first and most telltale sign of black mold in the humidifier is black spots on the tank and the filter.
Also, check for gray or black slime on the water or on the tank walls. Because a humidifier is in constant contact with water, there is a perfect environment for mold to grow.
2. Pink or gray layer on the water
This is a sign of mold in a humidifier. If the water has been in the tank for some time, you may start to see a pale pink layer on the water.
If you see the signs of pink mold in a humidifier, the chances of having black mold are also high.
An indication of mold could also be an indication of other bacteria that your family will inhale with the mist.
Whatever microorganisms are in the water are going to be dispensed along with the mist.
3. Breathing issues in children, pets and adults
One of the signs of mold toxicity is difficulty in breathing. But it is also good to be aware because other things could also cause difficulty in breathing.
Exposure to black mold spores can cause coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath, particularly in those who have asthma or other respiratory conditions.
If you have been running a humidifier full-time and someone is diagnosed with a lung-related ailment, check the tank.
Let the doctor know that you use a humidifier at home. Mold exposure signs include breathing issues, pneumonia, and others.
They do not have to be severe, they can be mild and easy to treat. However, continued use of a humidifier with mold could cause chronic lung and breathing issues.
Please note: Wheezing and other breathing symptoms are caused by mold in your home. This is not likely to happen as a direct result of mold from the humidifier.
4. Recurring sore throat
If you start experiencing many cold-related symptoms, then it is time to check the humidifier for mold if you have been running it.
Some of the symptoms of mold exposure include irritation in the throat, coughing, eye irritation, and stuffiness in the nasal passages. If you start noticing such problems, it is time to look for signs of mold in the tank.
Please note: If you are not sensitive to mold, you might not experience these symptoms. If you are allergic to mold, the symptoms will be more severe.
5. Unexplained fatigue
Exposure to black mold can cause fatigue and lethargy. If this feeling of fatigue is accompanied by headaches and migraines, it is definitely mold that is to blame.
How to prevent black mold in a humidifier
Now that you know about the symptoms of mold in a humidifier, well, it is time to find out how to prevent this indoor allergen from growing in the tank.
Here are a few things to do:
1. Clean the humidifier regularly
If you run your humidifier every day, clean it daily. This fungus thrives in moist conditions.
If you do not run the humidifier daily, clean it before using it or clean it two or three times a week.
2. Use white vinegar in the humidifier
Add a teaspoonful or two of white vinegar to the water. That way, you make it hard for mold to develop.
Something to note: Adding vinegar is only important if you are using tap water in the humidifier. If you are using distilled water, there is no need to add vinegar.
3. Dry the humidifier completely before storing it
After cleaning the humidifier, please air-dry everything completely before storing it. This has many benefits. For instance, a humidifier keeps turning off if water has leaked into the circuitry.
It will also prevent the growth of mold. For the spores to thrive, they need dampness and the right temperature.
Black mold in a humidifier: FAQ
Here is more information to shed more light on the issue of black mold in your humidifier.
Is black mold dangerous?
It is very dangerous. There are serious mold exposure symptoms in toddlers. There can be endless sore throat cases, lethargy, breathlessness, and asthmatic attacks.
How do I get rid of black mold in my humidifier?
Start by cleaning the cool mist humidifier regularly. This is going to get rid of not only mold but also other microbes that would be dispersed in the mist and make your family sick.
Clean the humidifier tank and base with white vinegar, and dry it completely.
What is the black stuff in my humidifier?
Black slime in the humidifier is an indication of black mold in the water or in the humidifier tank.
The same applies to pink or grayish slime in the tank, floating on top of the water. This is an indication of pink mold in the humidifier.
Check for black spots on the humidifier tank, as they are the surest indicator of this fungus in the water.
Wrapping up
Black mold is a dangerous indoor allergen that can cause many health ailments in people and pets. It can aggravate asthmatic attacks, cause lethargy, and cause skin problems. You can see the mold exposure symptoms in babies to understand how serious it is.
As you clean the humidifier with vinegar to get rid of mold, remember not to raise the humidity too high.
You need to know where mold grows and at what humidity to keep the level lower than that. Also, keep the recommended room temperature to discourage fungi growth.
Finally, even if you cannot see any visible signs of mold in humidifiers if you are visiting the hospital too many times, it could be due to mold exposure.
Sterilize that humidifier every week. Also, adding a drop or two of vinegar to the water can help.
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