How A Basement Dehumidifier with Drain Hose Works: Explained

Image of basement dehumidifier with drain hose

Benefits of Using A Dehumidifier with Drain Hose in the House If you have experienced flooding in your area and your basement is extra humid, you need the best basement dehumidifier with a drain hose. A dehumidifier with a drain hose extracts moisture from your indoor air consistently. You don’t need to empty the bucket, … Read more

Why Does Rain Increase Indoor Humidity? Reasons Unveiled

Image of Does rain increase indoor humidity

Why Is There High Humidity in the House after Rain? 4 Main Reasons Does rain increase indoor humidity? Yes, but hold that thought a bit. We will get deeper into this topic. In another article, we looked at the relationship between rain and humidity. We discussed several things. If you read it, you will see … Read more

Can I Run Dehumidifier and Heater at the Same Time? Yes!

Image of dehumidifier and heater at the same time

Can You Use a Heater and Humidifier at the Same Time? Running a dehumidifier and heater at the same time is okay when there is a need for the same. These two appliances do different things. The dehumidifier lowers the humidity level in the house. The heater raises the temperature in your indoor space. Most … Read more